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Consulting & Training


I regularly partner with large and small organizations on applied research projects and developmental science methods. Some of these projects have included: Testing a more inclusive computer science curriculum aimed at expanding participation of underrepresented groups in computer science (CS4All); consulting for the National Law Center on Homelessness and Poverty to survey adults experiencing homelessness about pathways into and barriers out of houselessness; subcontracting for March of Dimes on statistical analysis relating to racial disparities in preterm birth; and assisting National Geographic to assess the gender gap in success in the National Geographic Bee.


If you are interested in partnering with me on a project, please contact me to discuss and for a rate estimate (hourly or by project, depending on scope). Discounted rates available for nonprofit organizations. 







I am also available for trainings and workshops. I have conducted trainings for a range of organizations, including training in data collection and interviewing techniques, and teacher trainings for early childhood educators around STEM, media literacy, and other topics. 


Slides from select past trainings are available here:














If you are interested in developing a training opportunity, please contact me to discuss and for a rate estimate. As with my consulting rates, training rates depend on scope and can be discounted for nonprofit organizations. 







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